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Michael Andruczyk

Sr. Extension Agent, Horticulture Agriculture and Natural Resources, Master Gardeners, Plant Sale

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Education and Degrees

Mike has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His course of study was Ornamental Horticulture with the Production and Technology option. Mike also has a Master of Science in Public Horticulture Administration through the Longwood Gardens Graduate Program at the University of Delaware.

Work Experience

Mike began his horticulture career at the Boerner Botanical Garden where he worked for 3 summers as a Park Attendant II. He also did work/study at the University of Wisconsin in the Micropropagation laboratory. After college he took a one year internship in Urban Forestry at The Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. After graduate school Mike worked at the Norfolk Botanical Garden for 11.5 years as the Nursery and Greenhouse Manager, Supervising Horticulturist and finally the Curator of Plant Collections. He is now the Senior Extension Agent for Environmental Horticulture.

Professional Associations

Mike is a board member on the Mid-Atlantic Horticulture Short course, Virginia Flower and Gardens Show, Virginia Camellia Society, and Holly Society. He is also a member of the Royal Horticulture Society, Hampton Roads Horticulture Society, Magnolia Society and Rhododendron Society.

Personal Information

Mike has been gardening in Chesapeake since May of 1994 on his acre of land. Mike likes to travel and visit new gardens whenever possible. He has traveled to Hawaii, the Desert Southwest, the Pacific Northwest and all throughout the Eastern United States. He has also visited Costa Rica, Turkey, England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Italy, China, Madagascar, Bali - Indonesia, Azores and New Zealand.